Results for 'Bert De Coensel'

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  1.  35
    EEG Correlates of Learning From Speech Presented in Environmental Noise.Ehsan Eqlimi, Annelies Bockstael, Bert De Coensel, Marc Schönwiesner, Durk Talsma & Dick Botteldooren - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Personal Audiovisual Aptitude Influences the Interaction Between Landscape and Soundscape Appraisal.Kang Sun, Gemma M. Echevarria Sanchez, Bert De Coensel, Timothy Van Renterghem, Durk Talsma & Dick Botteldooren - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Improving Ethics Support: Seeing and Organizing Ethics Support Differently.Bert Molewijk, Janine de Snoo-Trimp, Margreet Stolper & Guy Widdershoven - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (4):53-55.
    Much of what we know and see of ethics support, in literature and during trainings, workshops and conferences, derives from clinical ethicists working at academic medical centers. Besides the probl...
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    (1 other version)Corrigendum: Environmentally Sustainable Food Consumption: A Review and Research Agenda From a Goal-Directed Perspective.Iris Vermeir, Bert Weijters, Jan De Houwer, Maggie Geuens, Hendrik Slabbinck, Adriaan Spruyt, Anneleen Van Kerckhove, Wendy Van Lippevelde, Hans De Steur & Wim Verbeke - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  5.  87
    Training healthcare professionals as moral case deliberation facilitators: evaluation of a Dutch training programme.Mirjam Plantinga, Bert Molewijk, Menno de Bree, Marloes Moraal, Marian Verkerk & Guy A. M. Widdershoven - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (10):630-635.
    Until recently, moral case deliberation (MCD) sessions have mostly been facilitated by external experts, mainly professional ethicists. We have developed a train the facilitator programme for healthcare professionals aimed at providing them with the competences needed for being an MCD facilitator. In this paper, we present the first results of a study in which we evaluated the programme. We used a mixed methods design. One hundred and twenty trained healthcare professionals and five trainers from 16 training groups working in different (...)
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    Idealization Vi: Idealization in Economics.Bert Hamminga & Neil De Marchi (eds.) - 1994 - Rodopi.
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    What is a High-Quality Moral Case Deliberation?-Facilitators’ Perspectives in the Euro-MCD Project.Lena M. Jakobsen, Bert Molewijk, Janine de Snoo-Trimp, Mia Svantesson & Gøril Ursin - 2024 - HEC Forum 36 (4):541-557.
    The evaluation of the European Moral Case Deliberation Outcomes project (Euro-MCD) has resulted in a revised evaluation instrument, knowledge about the content of MCD (moral case deliberation), and the perspectives of those involved. In this paper, we report on a perspective that has been overlooked, the facilitators’. We aim to describe facilitators’ perceptions of high-quality moral case deliberation and their Euro-MCD sessions. The research took place in Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands using a survey combined with interviews with 41 facilitators. (...)
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    Defining and categorizing outcomes of Moral Case Deliberation (MCD): concept mapping with experienced MCD participants.Janine C. de Snoo-Trimp, Bert Molewijk & Henrica C. W. de Vet - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-14.
    To support healthcare professionals in dealing with ethically difficult situations, Clinical Ethics Support (CES) services like Moral Case Deliberation (MCD) are increasingly implemented. To assess the impact of CES, it is important to evaluate outcomes. Despite general claims about outcomes from MCD experts and some qualitative research, there exists no conceptual analysis of outcomes yet. Therefore, the aim of this study was to systematically define and categorize MCD outcomes. An additional aim was to compare these outcomes with the outcomes in (...)
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  9.  17
    De invloed van de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen op de nationale politieke machtskonstellatie.Bert De Bakker & Mieke Claeys-Van Haegendoren - 1970 - Res Publica 12 (3):457-475.
    According to the standards of public law, municipal polls have only a local scope : the election of a common council. Do politicians make deductions concerning the formal political power-constellation on national level either from the approach of municipal elections or from their results? Can these elections lead to changes in or of the government and eventually to anticipated legislative elections?After the first world-war, the electorate was called eight times to vote for new common councillors. Half of these elections had (...)
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  10. An ethical framework for the marketing of corporate social responsibility.Bert van de Ven - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):339-352.
    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to develop an ethical framework for the marketing of corporate social responsibility. Methods The approach is a conceptual one based on virtue ethics and on the corporate identity literature. Furthermore, empirical research results are used to describe the opportunities and pitfalls of using marketing communication tools in the strategy of building a virtuous corporate brand. Results/conclusions An ethical framework that addresses the paradoxical relation between the consequentialist perspective many proponents of the marketing of (...)
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  11.  40
    What Outcomes do Dutch Healthcare Professionals Perceive as Important Before Participation in Moral Case Deliberation?Janine de Snoo-Trimp, Guy Widdershoven, Mia Svantesson, Riekie de Vet & Bert Molewijk - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (4):246-257.
    Background There has been little attention paid to research on the outcomes of clinical ethics support or critical reflection on what constitutes a good CES outcome. Understanding how CES users perceive the importance of CES outcomes can contribute to a better understanding, use of and normative reflection on CES outcomes. Objective To describe the perceptions of Dutch healthcare professionals on important outcomes of moral case deliberation, prior to MCD participation, and to compare results between respondents. Methods This mixed-methods study used (...)
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  12. Namens de schelpen.Bert De Graaff - 2020 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 60 (1):46-47.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Sharing decisions amid uncertainties: a qualitative interview study of healthcare professionals’ ethical challenges and norms regarding decision-making in gender-affirming medical care.Bert C. Molewijk, Fijgje de Boer, Baudewijntje P. C. Kreukels, Marijke A. Bremmer, Casper Martens & Karl Gerritse - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-17.
    BackgroundIn gender-affirming medical care (GAMC), ethical challenges in decision-making are ubiquitous. These challenges are becoming more pressing due to exponentially increasing referrals, politico-legal contestation, and divergent normative views regarding decisional roles and models. Little is known, however, about what ethical challenges related to decision-making healthcare professionals (HCPs) themselves face in their daily work in GAMC and how these relate to, for example, the subjective nature of Gender Incongruence (GI), the multidisciplinary character of GAMC and the role HCPs play in assessing (...)
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    Idealization Vi: Idealization in Economics.Bert Hamminga & Neil B. De Marchi (eds.) - 1994 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Introduction. Bert HAMMINGA and Neil DE MARCHI: Préface. Bert HAMMINGA and Neil DE MARCHI: Idealization and the Defence of Economics: Notes Toward a History. Part I: General Observations on Idealization in Economics. Kevin D. HOOVER: Six Queries about Idealization in an Empirical Context. Bernard WALLISER: Three Generalization Processes for Economic Models. Steven COOK and David HENDRY: The Theory of Reduction in Econometrics. Maarten C.W. JANSSEN: Economic Models and Their Applications. Adolfo GARCÍA DE LA SIENRA: Idealization and Empirical Adequacy (...)
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  15. Agent-Regret in Healthcare: Toward a More Precise and Empirical-Based Look into the Dynamics of Agent-Regret Experiences.Janine de Snoo-Trimp, Mariëtte van den Hoven & Bert Molewijk - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):29-31.
    We very much welcome Enck and Condley’s (2025) introduction of agent-regret and their plea for the existential and moral importance of this concept as a distinct phenomenon from moral distress or c...
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  16.  26
    Commons and the nature of modernity: towards a cosmopolitical view on craft guilds.Bert De Munck - 2022 - Theory and Society 51 (1):91-116.
    This paper argues that historical research on late medieval and early modern craft guilds fails to escape teleological and anachronistic views, including when they are addressed as commons or ‘institutions for collective action’. These present-day conceptual lenses do not only create idealized views on guilds, but also of the contexts in which they operated, especially the state and the market. This is especially the case with neo-institutional views on the commons, which fall back on a transhistorical rational actor, who can (...)
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    Banking after the crisis: Toward an understanding of banking as professional practice.Bert Van De Ven - 2011 - Ethical Perspectives 18 (4):541-568.
  18.  46
    Field-testing the Euro-MCD Instrument: Experienced outcomes of moral case deliberation.Janine C. de Snoo-Trimp, Bert Molewijk, Gøril Ursin, Berit Støre Brinchmann, Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Henrica C. W. de Vet & Mia Svantesson - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):390-406.
    Background: Moral case deliberation is a form of clinical ethics support to help healthcare professionals in dealing with ethically difficult situations. There is a lack of evidence about what outcomes healthcare professionals experience in daily practice after moral case deliberations. The Euro-MCD Instrument was developed to measure outcomes, based on the literature, a Delphi panel, and content validity testing. To examine relevance of items and adequateness of domains, a field study is needed. Aim: To describe experienced outcomes after participating in (...)
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  19. Empirical ethics and its alleged meta-ethical fallacies.Rob de Vries & Bert Gordijn - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (4):193-201.
    This paper analyses the concept of empirical ethics as well as three meta-ethical fallacies that empirical ethics is said to face: the is-ought problem, the naturalistic fallacy and violation of the fact-value distinction. Moreover, it answers the question of whether empirical ethics (necessarily) commits these three basic meta-ethical fallacies.
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  20. Neuroeducation–a critical overview of an emerging field.Daniel Ansari, Bert De Smedt & Roland H. Grabner - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (2):105-117.
    Abstract In the present article, we provide a critical overview of the emerging field of ‘neuroeducation’ also frequently referred to as ‘mind, brain and education’ or ‘educational neuroscience’. We describe the growing energy behind linking education and neuroscience in an effort to improve learning and instruction. We explore reasons behind such drives for interdisciplinary research. Reviewing some of the key advances in neuroscientific studies that have come to bear on neuroeducation, we discuss recent evidence on the brain circuits underlying reading, (...)
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  21.  44
    Neat Nature: The Relation between Nature and Art in a Dutch Cabinet of Curiosities from the Early Eighteenth Century.Bert van de Roemer - 2004 - History of Science 42 (1):47-84.
  22.  22
    No Association Between the Home Math Environment and Numerical and Patterning Skills in a Large and Diverse Sample of 5- to 6-year-olds. [REVIEW]Laure De Keyser, Merel Bakker, Sanne Rathé, Nore Wijns, Joke Torbeyns, Lieven Verschaffel & Bert De Smedt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Selecting a large and diverse sample of 5–6-year-old preschool children, we aimed to extend previous findings on variability in children’s home math environment and its association with children’s mathematical skills. We operationalized mathematics in a broader way than in previous studies, by considering not only children’s numerical skills but also their patterning skills as integral components of early mathematical development. We investigated the effects of children’s gender and socioeconomic status on their home math environment, examined the associations between children’s home (...)
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  23.  31
    Visual spatial attention to multiple locations at once: The jury is still out.Bert Jans, Judith C. Peters & Peter De Weerd - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):637-682.
  24. Patient participation in Dutch ethics support: practice, ideals, challenges and recommendations—a national survey.Marleen Eijkholt, Janine de Snoo-Trimp, Wieke Ligtenberg & Bert Molewijk - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-14.
    Background: Patient participation in clinical ethics support services has been marked as an important issue. There seems to be a wide variety of practices globally, but extensive theoretical or empirical studies on the matter are missing. Scarce publications indicate that, in Europe, patient participation in CESS varies from region to region, and per type of support. Practices vary from being non-existent, to patients being a full conversation partner. This contrasts with North America, where PP seems more or less standard. While (...)
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  25.  35
    Sferen en globalisering. Ethische aspecten Van sloterdijks bijdrage aan het globaliseringsdebat.Bert van de Ven - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (3):479-507.
    This article discusses the ethical dimension of Sloterdijk's spherology and its contribution to the current debate on globalization. It is shown that Sloterdijk already developed the core of his ethics in his earlier works. The central distinction here is the ontological difference between the intimate stay of the fetus in its mother's womb and the ominous outside of the world. From its birth onwards the infant has to develop new intimate spheres to make life bearable and to expand into the (...)
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    Postscript: Split spatial attention? The data remain difficult to interpret.Bert Jans, Judith C. Peters & Peter De Weerd - 2010 - Psychological Review 117 (2):682-684.
  27.  35
    Important outcomes of moral case deliberation: a Euro-MCD field survey of healthcare professionals’ priorities.Mia Svantesson, Janine C. de Snoo-Trimp, Göril Ursin, Henrica C. W. de Vet, Berit S. Brinchmann & Bert Molewijk - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):608-616.
    BackgroundThere is a lack of empirical research regarding the outcomes of such clinical ethics support methods as moral case deliberation (MCD). Empirical research in how healthcare professionals perceive potential outcomes is needed in order to evaluate the value and effectiveness of ethics support; and help to design future outcomes research. The aim was to use the European Moral Case Deliberation Outcome Instrument (Euro-MCD) instrument to examine the importance of various MCD outcomes, according to healthcare professionals, prior to participation.MethodsA North European (...)
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  28.  12
    Des N comme partitif nu.Bert Le Berns Bruyn - forthcoming - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
    Dans des études diachroniques et synchroniques récentes, on constate une convergence vers l’idée que l’analyse de des fonctionnant comme article (« article-like » des, désormais desal) ne doit pas être fondée sur une relation avec les partitifs. Cette contribution reprend ce débat et montrera que les approches proposées pour contourner une analyse partitive de desal entraînent pourtant un certain nombre de défis. L’identification de ces défis nous mène à élargir notre perspective vers les partitifs nus (c’est-à-dire des structures partitives sans (...)
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  29.  19
    Editorial: Individual Differences in Arithmetical Development.Ann Dowker, Bert De Smedt & Annemie Desoete - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    A logic for the discovery of deterministic causal regularities.Mathieu Beirlaen, Bert Leuridan & Frederik Van De Putte - 2018 - Synthese 195 (1):367-399.
    We present a logic, \, for the discovery of deterministic causal regularities starting from empirical data. Our approach is inspired by Mackie’s theory of causes as INUS-conditions, and implements a more recent adjustment to Mackie’s theory according to which the left-hand side of causal regularities is required to be a minimal disjunction of minimal conjunctions. To derive such regularities from a given set of data, we make use of the adaptive logics framework. Our knowledge of deterministic causal regularities is, as (...)
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    Moral distress and positive experiences of ICU staff during the COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned.Mark L. van Zuylen, Janine C. de Snoo-Trimp, Suzanne Metselaar, Dave A. Dongelmans & Bert Molewijk - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-17.
    Background The COVID-19 pandemic causes moral challenges and moral distress for healthcare professionals and, due to an increased work load, reduces time and opportunities for clinical ethics support services. Nevertheless, healthcare professionals could also identify essential elements to maintain or change in the future, as moral distress and moral challenges can indicate opportunities to strengthen moral resilience of healthcare professionals and organisations. This study describes 1) the experienced moral distress, challenges and ethical climate concerning end-of-life care of Intensive Care Unit (...)
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  32.  33
    How to deal with moral challenges around the decision-making competence in transgender adolescent care? Development of an ethics support tool.Janine de Snoo-Trimp, Annelou de Vries, Bert Molewijk & Irma Hein - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    Background Decision-making competence is a complex concept in the care for transgender and gender diverse adolescents, since this type of care concerns one’s developing gender identity and involves treatment options that often lack international consensus. Even despite competence assessments, moral challenges arise in the decision-making process. Here, traditional forms of clinical ethics support such as moral case deliberation might not fit as these do not provide thematic guidance. This study therefore aimed to develop a practice-oriented ethics support tool to assist (...)
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  33. Connecting Education and Cognitive Neuroscience: Where will the journey take us?Daniel Ansari, Donna Coch & Bert De Smedt - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (1):37-42.
    In recent years there have been growing calls for forging greater connections between education and cognitive neuroscience. As a consequence great hopes for the application of empirical research on the human brain to educational problems have been raised. In this article we contend that the expectation that results from cognitive neuroscience research will have a direct and immediate impact on educational practice are shortsighted and unrealistic. Instead, we argue that an infrastructure needs to be created, principally through interdisciplinary training, funding (...)
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  34.  16
    The socialist party in the party system and in organised socialism in Belgium.Bert De Bakker & Mieke Claeys-Van Haegendoren - 1973 - Res Publica 15 (2):237-247.
  35.  19
    Model-based reasoning about learner behaviour.Kees de Koning, Bert Bredeweg, Joost Breuker & Bob Wielinga - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 117 (2):173-229.
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    The Ethics of Smart Stadia: A Stakeholder Analysis of the Croke Park Project.Fiachra O’Brolcháin, Simone de Colle & Bert Gordijn - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (3):737-769.
    The development of “smart stadia”, i.e. the use of “smart technologies” in the way sports stadia are designed and managed, promises to enhance the experience of attending a live match through innovative and improved services for the audience, as well as for the players, vendors and other stadium stakeholders. These developments offer us a timely opportunity to reflect on the ethical implications of the use of smart technologies and the emerging Internet of Things. The IoT has the potential to radically (...)
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  37. The neural representation of Arabic digits in visual cortex.Lien Peters, Bert De Smedt & Hans P. Op de Beeck - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  38.  34
    Are Individual Differences in Arithmetic Fact Retrieval in Children Related to Inhibition?Elien Bellon, Wim Fias & Bert De Smedt - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:180700.
    Although it has been proposed that inhibition is related to individual differences in mathematical achievement, it is not clear how it is related to specific aspects of mathematical skills, such as arithmetic fact retrieval. The present study therefore investigated the association between inhibition and arithmetic fact retrieval and further examined the unique role of inhibition in individual differences in arithmetic fact retrieval, in addition to numerical magnitude processing. We administered measures of cognitive inhibition (i.e., numerical and non-numerical stroop tasks) and (...)
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  39.  20
    The safety paradox in ethics training: a case study on safety dynamics within a military ethics train-the-trainer course.Eva van Baarle, Ineke van de Braak, Desiree Verweij, Guy Widdershoven & Bert Molewijk - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):107-117.
    There is considerable support for the idea that an atmosphere of safety can foster learning in groups, especially during ethics training courses. However, the question how safety dynamics works during ethics courses is still understudied. This article aims to investigate safety dynamics by examining a critical incident during a military ethics train-the trainer course during which safety was threatened. We examine this incident by means of a four-factor analysis model from the field of Theme-Centered Interaction (TCI). We show that during (...)
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  40. De zogenaamde theologie Van aristoteles en de araabse plotinos-traditie.Bert MariËn - 1948 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 10 (1):125-146.
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    Piet Spigt: humanist onder de vrijdenkers en vrijdenker onder de humanisten.Bert Gasenbeek (ed.) - 2014 - [Breda]: Papieren Tijger.
    Teksten, beschouwingen en biografische gegevens van en over de vrijdenker, humanist en Multatulikenner Piet Spigt (1919-1990).
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  42. Oscillatory EEG Correlates of Arithmetic Strategies: A Training Study.Roland H. Grabner & Bert De Smedt - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Strategies and Instruments for Organising CSR by Small and Large Businesses in the Netherlands.Johan Graafland, Bert van de Ven & Nelleke Stoffele - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (1):45-60.
    This paper analyses the use of strategies and instruments for organising ethics by small and large business in the Netherlands. We find that large firms mostly prefer an integrity strategy to foster ethical behaviour in the organisation, whereas small enterprises prefer a dialogue strategy. Both large and small firms make least use of a compliance strategy that focuses on controlling and sanctioning the ethical behaviour of workers. The size of the business is found to have a positive impact on the (...)
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    The Credit Crisis and the Moral Responsibility of Professionals in Finance.Johan J. Graafland & Bert W. van de Ven - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (4):605-619.
    Starting from MacIntyre’s virtue ethics, we investigate several codes of conduct of banks to identify the type of virtues that are needed to realize their mission. Based on this analysis, we define three core virtues: honesty, due care, and accuracy. We compare and contrast these codes of conduct with the actual behavior of banks that led to the credit crisis and find that in some cases banks did not behave according to the moral standards they set themselves. However, although banks (...)
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    Drie nieuwe inleidingen tot de bestudering van de liturgie.Bert Groen - 1979 - Bijdragen 40 (4):424-433.
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    Integrative Clinical Ethics Support in Gender Affirmative Care: Lessons Learned.Laura Hartman, Guy Widdershoven, Annelou de Vries, Annelijn Wensing-Kruger, Martin den Heijer, Thomas Steensma & Bert Molewijk - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (3):241-260.
    Clinical ethics support for health care professionals and patients is increasingly seen as part of good health care. However, there is a key drawback to the way CES services are currently offered. They are often performed as isolated and one-off services whose ownership and impact are unclear. This paper describes the development of an integrative approach to CES at the Center of Expertise and Care for Gender Dysphoria at Amsterdam University Medical Center. We specifically aimed to integrate CES into daily (...)
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    La quete de sens.Bert Peeters - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (145):201-216.
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  48. De dubbele subjectiviteit van het geweten en noodzaak van toetsing van gewetensbezwaren.Bert Musschenga - 2017 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 109 (3):329-345.
    The double subjectivity of conscience and the need to test conscientious objections -/- Abstract In spite of the collapse of the traditional objective concept of conscience and the subsequent subjectivation of conscience, conscientious objections are still often considered as a valid ground for exemption from legal and professional obligations. Conscientious objections are seen as more serious than ordinary moral objections. It is not evident why this is so. I argue, with Niklas Luhmann, that the function of conscience is to protect (...)
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    Un atelier de distillation du moyen 'ge. Isabelle Rouaze.Bert Hall - 1992 - Isis 83 (1):122-123.
  50. De schaduw van de zwarte hond: Depressie als symptoom van onze tijd (2nd edition).Bert Bergh - 2019 - Amsterdam: Boom.
    Hoewel depressie veel voorkomt, tasten we wat betreft de aard en behandeling ervan nog altijd in het duister. Dit komt volgens Van den Bergh omdat de stoornis vooral wordt benaderd als hersenziekte of hersenaandoening. De nadruk wordt daarbij gelegd op onze (neuro)biologische gevoeligheid zonder dat we echt stilstaan bij de maatschappelijke factoren die op deze gevoeligheid inwerken. Nog minder, aldus de auteur, wordt ingegaan op de culturele bronnen van deze impact. Deze blinde vlek in de depressieduiding stelt Van den Bergh (...)
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